Experiences, projects and conservation tips are shared here
Connections and Collaboration on Cockatoo as a Conservator for the Sydney Biennale
I have spent the last six months as part of the team of installers, registrars, AV experts, collection managers, curators, artists, technicians, builders, carpenters, electricians and many other experts contributing to 22nd Biennale of Sydney: NIRIN.
Conservation in the Community: Collection Storage, Environmental Monitoring and PNA
I have had the pleasure of working closely with the staff at Fairfield City Museum and Gallery over the last year, who had begun the enormous task of digitising their entire collection prompting some up-skilling of staff in object handling and collection storage.
Developing and Delivering Collection Care Workshops for Volunteer Run Museums
Over the past 12 months I have had the pleasure of working with several volunteer museums and cultural organisations in Lithgow. Developing and delivering workshops and training sessions was one way to share my knowledge and assist in the care of their collections.